Why we should run away from WordPress? Why not?

Beautiful medium, with your easy to read and simplistic layout and your incredible use of highlighting and comments. Why you weren’t here before? I feel I can’t go back and take Facebook and Twitter seriously after discovering this social network. People making great opinions of topics of all kind with the sufficient amount of memes there to be happy and don’t die from a desmemetion. (Not really, but in the end we now we love it and need them in our lives)
I like that it feels like a social network, I hate WordPress. There isn’t any chance that a random person will come and read what you write, you are tied to the people that follow you in your other social networks. This in not that bad, but this doesn’t enrich your point of view when comparing to people outside of your bubble. It feels like people there are always hungry for something new and it’s a great feeling so refreshing.
Also the comment section is so obsolete in WordPress, the highlights to comment in a specific line of the blog is genius, it helps understand more the responses while giving specific insights to the writer.
What do you lose? Personalization and liberty at the design. But I see this as a good point, stop being stressed about the design, your hosting or your code, it’s better to concentrate in writing and get a better quality in your content. I have seen people with such beautiful or complicated blogs but with such post that suck as much as mine. That is not good and should change.

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